Succulent Juicy Shrimp Salad


Cooking  - Skillet;  Cooking time 15 minutes.


2 pounds shrimp

1.5  tablespoon green pastonade

Dash of black pepper

½ tablespoon olive oil

1 chopped small onion

Handful of fresh parsley

1 stem celery

2 stems chive


Lettuce or mixed greens

Grape tomatoes


Red onions



Prepare vegetables.

Wash and dry greens.

Wash and dry tomatoes and cut them in halves

Microwave the corn and let it cool.

Add avocados after the shrimps are prepared.

Wash and clean (devein and shell) the shrimps if they are fresh.

Heat the saucepan on medium heat and add the oil.

In a saucepan, add the shrimp and salt.

Add the green pastonade to the shrimp.

Add the chopped onions, chopped celery, chopped parsley and chive to the shrimps.

Mix all the ingredients around in the pan.

Cook for 2-3 minutes.

Turn off the heat.

Squeeze half a lemon to the shrimp mixture in the saucepan.

Let cool.

Add the shrimps to your salad. 

Add another teaspoon of olive oil to the steamed onion mixture in the pan.

Use the sauce as a dressing.

Pour the mixture over shrimp and salad.

Eat to your heart’s pleasure...Pair with Dekkade Lime Punch on ice.

DEKKADE PASTONADE  --  Effortlessly Delicious!


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